
Board game tracker and timer app

Mobile app for tracking board game plays. With BGG integration, timer, expansion, teams support and lots of statistics!

Use the app to keep track of your game plays. You can track time during the play or just record it after.

Find game

Use timers...

...or not

Set score, location, expansions and any other details about the play

choose score mode

set scores

adjust timers

set location, expansions and notes

View play result, charts and badges. Share play with other players

Browse your games, plays, players and locations

View all your game played in a timeline card view (with chosen granularity)

View lots of game statistics...

...player statistics and badges...

...and lots of other stats

Multiple scoring modes that fit most games, tiebreakers and anonymous players support

Set teams or roles and play title

Connect your BoardGameGeek account


Sync your plays with BGG

Import plays from BGG

Timer features

Switch single/multiple active timers

Tap to start/stop timer

Swipe to change game round

Tap and hold to change order

Other features

Select player color

Select player avatar

Play quick game (with fast setup)

App settings

Choose play mode

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